Pre-Operative Instructions

Surgeries are provided on an outpatient basis, with cats being dropped off between 7-8 am and discharged in the afternoon, depending on the clinic size for that day.
Please adhere to the following instructions:
- Food & Water – Please take away food after 10 PM the night before surgery. Please DO NOT withhold water. This can make your cat dehydrated prior to surgery and/or exacerbate any underlying liver or kidney issues.
- Do not give any food the morning of surgery if the cats are over 3 months old.
- If the patient is a kitten under 3 months old, remove food after 10 PM the night before surgery, but give a quarter of the normal amount of food and water the morning of surgery.
- Flea Treatments (*CATS ONLY*) – The only flea treatments that are acceptable to use prior to surgery are Advantage, Revolution, and Frontline. Other flea prevention products should be discontinued 2 weeks prior to the day of surgery.
- Heartworm Preventative – Heartworm preventative should be used as normal, regardless of surgery.
- Nursing Females – Please be sure that your female cat has stopped nursing (kittens have stopped nursing) at least two (2) weeks prior to the day of surgery.
- Rabies Vaccinations – If your pet is not up to date on their rabies vaccination and is at least 12 weeks of age or older, we require that you have your pet vaccinated. We can do this the day of surgery and we will not call your veterinary office for current proof.
- Arrival Time – Surgery is scheduled by appointment. Your confirmation is invalid if you have not arrived by 7:45 am. Your space will be given to the next person on the waitlist. Please arrive at the mobile clinic promptly at 7 AM.
- Carriers – Please ensure the security of your carrier(s) prior to transporting your cat. Your cat MUST be in a carrier, approved for cats upon intake to ensure a clean environment for your cat to recover in safely on their way home.
- Multiple Cats MUST arrive and go home in separate carriers. If one is not available, a cardboard carrier will be provided for an additional cost of $20.
- Payment is required at the time your pet is checked out for surgery – NO EXCEPTIONS. CareCredit is not accepted at this time.
- Surgery Intake Form – For your convenience and to help expedite the check in process on the day of surgery, please download the form below and fill it out. Bring it with you on the day of surgery, along with your current rabies certificate (if you have one), and proof of your paid deposit.

Post-Operative Instructions
For the safety and well-being of you and your pet, please read and follow the the post-operative instructions.
- Sutures – We use dissolvable sutures and surgical tissue glue for female cats. Male cat neuters do not require sutures. Please be advised that sutures can take up to 4-6 months to dissolve completely. Occasionally, there will be some swelling that will resolve itself in a few days. Males may have significant swelling in their scrotum area, and it may even look like the testicles have not been removed. This swelling will go down in 3-5 days.
- Recovery Time – Immediately following discharge, please keep your cat in his/her carrier for 1-2 hours to allow complete recovery from anesthesia. Your cat must be kept indoors for 7-10 days after surgery. This way you can carefully monitor your cat’s recovery. Restrict your cat’s activity to a small room, such as a bathroom or laundry room. Do not allow running or jumping, and keep your cat(s) separate from all other animals. Do not allow your pet to get wet during this recovery time.
- Food & Water – Upset stomachs can occur when any anesthesia is used. For 12 hours after surgery, restrict the amount of food and water. It is recommended to feed about a 1/4 of their normal food and water amount 1-2 hours after you get home. If your cat keeps the food and water down, 1 hour later you may feed another 1/4 amount to help dissipate the anesthesia. Regular feeding schedules can be resumed the next day. Kittens 4 months and under should be fed and given water as soon as they get home.
- Incision Care – Check the incision twice a day until healed. A small amount of blood or fluid seepage immediately after surgery is normal. Typical symptoms are: decreased appetite, decreased energy, nausea, and/or redness, swelling of the incision.
- Litter – Please use shredded newspaper or a commercial brand called Yesterday’s news or Good Mews (available at most pet supply stores) instead of litter for the next 7 days to prevent dust particles from irritating the incision, as well as to prevent clumping litter from adhering to the incision itself.
- Late Fee – There will be a late fee of $40 per pet for every 30 minutes past the scheduled pick up time. Pets not picked up after 60 minutes will be charged a late fee and a $100 per pet overnight care fee. CatSnip is not equipped with boarding facilities. Any animal that is not picked up after one day will be relinquished to CatSnip for ownership and will be placed with a no kill kill rescue. Please be on time to avoid these unnecessary charges.
- Emergencies – Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the animal emergency facility nearest you. If you have any concerns about your pets medical condition within two weeks following surgery, the fastest way to reach us is by email, [email protected] Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM. After these times, please contact your nearest emergency animal hospital. For medical records and other non-emergency information, please contact us via email for a faster response.